Thursday, January 5, 2012

Welcome to Cyberland!

Searching for a class can be hard at times.  You need to fulfill GEs and your major requirements, always thinking about your future and what the next class could do for you, but at the same time attempting to balance your interests and attempting to find a class in which the time you spend will be enjoyable.   This interim I was attempting to do just that.  It is never as easy as you think it will be, either.  What you believe to be a 15-minute selection from a limited number of classes turns into a vast 3-hour search. 

When I stumbled across Cybercultures, there was no course description.  The only things I knew about it were that it would fulfill a WRI, something I was in need of, and that it is part of the film studies concentration.  Despite this, however, I chose to sign up for this class based solely on the name alone. 

Cybercultures, or at least what I envisioned the word to encompass, is something I am a part of every day.  I spend hours on the internet, a part of different communities and cultures, all a piece of who I am.  I thought this class would expand what I know about these cultures I am a part of, and perhaps expand the way I think about these pieces of my life.

In this cyberspace I am a part of many different things.  From my Xbox Live “gamertag” and different gaming communities to Reddit and my Facebook, I partake in many different communities, both in their settings and the other people who are a part of them.  These define who I am in cyberspace; some more closely linked to my life outside of cyberculture than others, but all a part of what makes me, me.  I think I am more an active part of the internet and these different sub-cultures than most, so maybe they define me a bit more than the average person. 
The internet and the culture that surrounds it is definitely a large and active part of my daily life.

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