Thursday, January 19, 2012

Cyber Male-ism

We always hear about cyber feminism, but where is the cyber male-ism?  I know there is always the argument that cyber feminism, and feminism in general, exist because the majority of culture and "things" are male.  I agree.

Thing is, there are also problems within the male realm that need addressing.  Not to discount the issues with a predominantly male society, but that doesn't mean males don't also have issues as well.  We just might be (debateably) better at hiding them sometimes.

When women talk about the issues with the female image and the way it is portrayed in the media it is most certainly an issue that requires addressing.  The female image as represented by magazines is often (if not always) unrealistic and honestly,as a male, far less attractive than a "real woman".  The thing is, this doesn't just apply to women.

Men are represented unrealistically almost as often, and it affects us as well.  Most men cannot live up to the standards of what we see in movies and magazines, and it can be a huge negative sometimes.  Not that most men expect to live up to these standards on their own, but a lot of the problem comes in when women expect their men to meet these standards.

And I'm not even just talking about looks, but personality as well.  Movies and shows portray all these men as rougher individuals who come around and see things from the woman's point of view.  We are expected to meet these standards of romanticism and fall on bended knee at every turn, because if we don't we are "just another asshole" that "wasn't the right guy for you".

Not to say there aren't those people out there that do not deserve the women they are with, just as there is the opposite situation, but what I am saying is this:

Women; temper your expectations.  Because men; do not always try to meet the expectations laid before you.

Be a good person.  Be yourself.  People have flaws, and we should try our best to fix our own, but nobody is flawless.


1 comment:

  1. Actually, you are making a very cyberfeminist argument! I know that the title "cyberfeminist" privileges women in its title. However, using "feminist" in the title is just a nod to the work of feminist theory that laid the ground work for cyberfeminist thinking.

    But cyberfeminism is looking at all of these practices and how they shape gendered expectations and norms-- for men and women. The point of cyberfeminism is to say "look, all of these gendered norms are problematic and reductive of the human experience." For example, there are gay men who report street harassment on hollaback. Or better yet, check out one of my favorite cyberfeminists, Hugo Schwyzer .

    Another great voice in the movement is Jackson Katz. Katz is actually coming to MN (to Gustavus Adolphus) on March 14, and a group of us will be going to meet him. Let me know if you'd be interested in tagging along. He's an amazing advocate for masculinity studies.
